The Life Stylist Podcast With Luke Storey
Podcast Description:
The Life Stylist Podcast allows like-minded businesses and brands a highly unique opportunity to expand their reach and engage with audiences that are passionate about health and wellness, biohacking and life-improvement in a deeply authentic, memorable, and cost effective manner.
Podcast Sponsorship: Episode ad packages offer sponsors a unique highly targeted opportunity to reach a devoted and loyal podcast audience that grows each week, with baked-in, live-read, call-to-action sponsor marketing specifically tailored for direct long-term impact and loyal consumer effect.
Average Downloads Per Episode After 30 Days: 12k to 17k
Demographic Information: Mostly female. Skewed 65% female 35% male. 30 - 45 age range.
Address to Receive Products: Saint Anthony Dr
Podcast Category: - Lifestyle & Health
- Business & Technology
Minimum Number of Episodes per Purchase: 4