Audio vs. Video Podcast Consumers in 2024

by | Oct 17, 2024 | blog, Podcast Monetization

Podcasts have become a staple in media consumption over the last decade, blending seamlessly into our daily routines. From commutes to gym workouts, listeners engage with podcasts in both audio and video formats. In 2024, this divide between audio-first and video-first podcast audiences has become a key area of exploration.

Audio vs. Video: A Shifting Landscape

While video has always had a presence in podcasting, it’s gaining increased traction thanks to platforms like YouTube. Despite this surge in video podcast consumption, traditional audio remains a dominant force. The majority of podcast listeners still prefer audio over video, particularly because of its flexibility. It’s easier to listen to a podcast while multitasking—whether you’re commuting, exercising, or simply unable to focus on a screen.

Surveys show that listeners who consume less than 25% of their podcast content in video format vastly outnumber those who consume 75% or more through video. This highlights that while video is growing, audio continues to hold strong as the preferred format.

Who Are the “Audio Primes” and “Video Primes”?

These two audience segments offer an intriguing comparison. The “Audio Primes,” listeners who consume most of their podcasts through audio, tend to have been loyal podcast consumers for several years. Their habits reflect a deep-rooted relationship with audio-only content, a format that’s been central to podcasting from the start.

On the flip side, “Video Primes,” or those who engage primarily with video podcasts, are not the newer adopters you might expect. In fact, many have been engaging with podcasts for just as long as the Audio Primes. The difference lies in their preferred platform for consumption, with YouTube being the dominant force behind video-based podcast content.

Gender and Age Dynamics

Interestingly, Video Primes leans towards a predominantly male audience (about 60%), likely influenced by YouTube’s overall gender demographics. However, the age composition doesn’t differ as drastically between Video Primes and Audio Primes as one might think. The assumption that younger audiences would dominate video consumption is only partially true, with older audiences, particularly those 55 and older, increasingly gravitating towards video as platforms like YouTube become more user-friendly.

The Choice: Audio or Video?

What this all comes down to is choice. The same listeners often choose different formats based on their environment. When they’re at home or able to focus on a screen, video podcasts may take precedence. However, when on the go or occupied with other tasks, audio becomes the go-to format. This fluidity between audio and video consumption demonstrates how podcasts are evolving to meet the diverse needs of their audiences. It’s not a matter of one format overtaking the other but rather an ecosystem where both can thrive based on context and convenience.

As we move further into 2024, it will be fascinating to see how the relationship between audio and video podcasting continues to evolve. Will video continue its ascent, or will audio remain the dominant choice for most listeners? One thing’s for sure: the podcasting landscape is as dynamic as ever, with new trends emerging and old habits standing firm.

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